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New launch "Eeco" Car from Maruti Suzuki at Delhi Auto Expo 2010

Auto giant Maruti Suzuki, is set to launch Eeco - a brand new family car. The car is crafted by a team of designers from MSIL who have worked on the project for 3 years. Maruti Suzuki Eeco is slated to be the new replacement of Maruti Versa.

Speaking about the proposed launch, Mr. IV Rao, MSIL Managing Executive Officer said "The new car represents the growing expertise of our engineers to conceive, design and produce vehicles here. This is also in line with parent Suzuki Corp's vision of turning India into a global hub for small car research and development."

Eeco would be equipped with a 1,200 cc petrol engine. The car is likely to be priced below rupees 4 lakh. Designed specifically for the domestic market, the all new Maruti Suzuki Eeco would comply with Bharat Stage IV emission norms. The new family car will have three-row and two-row seating arrangements that would seat 5 or 7 passengers. MSIL engineers have been working on the model for the last three years and it is now ready to foray into the C-segment.

Keen auto experts are waiting with bated breath, as Maruti spruces up for the official display of Eeco at the Auto Expo 2010 which begins early next month in the Capital.
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