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New Eko Hybrid ET-120 Bike Launches in Bangalore

Eko Vehicles, Bangalore have launched the first hybrid bike comprising two variants namely Strike and ET. The new bikes have been developed in collaboration with US and UK based companies and they run on battery and gasoline which makes them deliver double mileage for every liter of petrol.

The project is most likely to be a super success and Alan Rubinstein, one of the U.S collaborators said "We developed a hybrid technology which will allow the electric motor together with the gasoline motor or petrol motor to be in combination. So, they should get unlimited range. So, when you drive in gasoline, you are charging the motor."

Speaking about the new launch- Strike, the company`s official Press Release stated "Eko-Strike breaks price and service barrier: By offering the most economic, reliable and rugged Electric two-wheeler to the Indian market at the unbelievable price of under Rs. 22,000. This vehicle does not attract road tax and does not need to be registered. This model vehicle is to EV what DELL is to Computers: the customer can specify the battery capacity as per his daily commute requirements. Eko's quality products are offered with a five-year warranty, which is a first in the industry, demonstrating that quality is not sacrificed even at the incredible pricing."

The carbon emissions are greatly reduced in the hybrid models making them more environment - friendly. The Strike can attain top speed of 65kmph while ET employs a 70cc petrol engine and an electric motor to propel the wheels giving it a top speed of 120 kmpl which is more than Hero Honda, Bajaj or TVS. The Strike is attractively priced and the ET-120 is priced at 40,000 rupees making it the best electric vehicle you can buy in India when it goes on sale in May 2010.

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